AUGUST 17 - 2019
Legend Earth Quake, floor work galor and celebrating 3 years, with PRODUCERS PAST AND PRESENt
Live photography by Heather Shofner, Poster by Sabina
FEBRUARY 2 - 2019
a storm of fabric leaving us Thunderstruck and twerking in the rain
Live show photography by Scott Foster, Poster by Jovie DeVoe
November 10 - 2018 // For Your Eyes Only & Aperitif
from The queen of roses, nox falls, to a debut of apprentice carson st. clair
Poster art by Jovie DeVoe, photo of Karmen Sutra by Max Shaw Photography
Live show photography by Heather Schofner
august 18 - 2018 // For your eyes only & aperitif
welcoming reigning queen of burlesque, miss exotic world 2018 INGA
Poster art by Jovie DeVoe, photo of INGA by Jules Doyle
Live show photos by Max Shaw
our dirtiest show yet with guests from all over the us
poster art by Jovie DeVoe
live show photos by POC Photography

DECEMBER 16 - 2017 // for your eyes only & aperitif
so many suits
poster art by Jovie DeVoe, original image of ECBR by JiJi Lee.
live show images by Scott Foster.
SEPTEMBER 16 - 2017 // for your eyes only & aperitif
celebrating a year in the jewelbox
poster art by Jovie DeVoe.
live show images by Meneldor Photography.
JUNE 17 - 2017 // For your eyes only & aperitif
a prideful evening with local legends
poster art by Jovie DeVoe, original image of Waxie Moon by Bronwen Houck
live show images by Scott Foster.
March 18 - 2017 // for your eyes only & aperitif
two shows and a cocktail hour nestled in the middle
poster art by Jovie DeVoe, original image of Karmen Sutra by Casey Cosley.
live show images by Scott Foster.
December 10 - 2016 // for your eyes only & aperitif
the introduction of aperitif
poster art by Jovie DeVoe, original images of Olatsa Assassin and Sailor St. Claire by Meneldor Photography.
live show images by Scott Foster.